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Our updates specifically relate to people with a learning disability
Our updates are normally published monthly, but may sometimes vary
Member Training
Tailored training courses on various topics important to people with learning disabilities.
Staff Training
Professional sessions for teams providing support to people with learning disabilities.
Easy Read Services
Specialists in formatting information containing only essential information, using images to help explain the meaning of text.
Inclusive Research
Supporting and enabling people with a learning disability to carry out research on the issues that are affecting their lives.
Quick Link: Good Practice Resources
Building Bridges Training has developed a range of good practice information and other resources.
Visit our
page for details.
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Building Bridges
(administrative & postal office only)
Building Bridges Training CIC
Office 1, Izabella House, 24-26 Regent Place, City Centre, Birmingham B1 3NJ
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Building Bridges CIC is a Community Interest Company, Incorporated 27 May 2009 | UK Company No: 06916509
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