Inclusive Research

The Research Group grew out of Building Bridges Training in 2010 ..

It is a group of people with a learning disability who carry out inclusive research about the issues that are affecting their lives and those of their friends.

Inclusive research enables people with a learning disability, (with support), to take a lead role conducting research about topics that are important to them.

Our research will always be informed by our lived experience

We will always use creative methods to explore topical issues

We have produced reports and have published journal articles

They have an intrinsic role in all stages of the research, including the design, process and dissemination, rather than just contributing to the data collection.

(Walmsley and Johnson 2003)

Their research enables others to have a better understanding of these challenges so that they can make relevant changes that make a real difference to their lives.

The group has completed the following four research projects;

  1. Money, Friends and Making Ends Meet 2011
  2. Our Lives, Our Research 2014
  3. Living our Lives 2016
  4. Getting Involved – what stops us 2018

If you would like a PDF copy of any of these, then please get in touch with us.

The research group have also written a number of articles. Click here for the full list of publications by Building Bridges Research Group and Liz Tilly.

There are currently eight members in the group who meet monthly. Their current interests are welfare benefits, social exclusion and a number of other issues.

Research presentations

The group regularly deliver teaching about inclusive research and also presentations of their research findings at the Social History of Learning Disability conference at the Open University in 2011, 2014 and 2015 and Lancaster Disability Studies Conference in 2016.

They also presented at the WIDeN Conference at the University of Wolverhampton in 2015, and contribute to the regular WIDeN meetings.

In March 2022 three members of the research group gave an online presentation about their work at the IASSIDD Roundtable Discussion on Inclusive Research.

A recording of all the meeting and presentations is available here.

Managing Money Issues

"The people in Building Bridges research group have mild learning disabilities. This means that sometimes we can struggle with things that happen in our daily lives.

"We generally discuss everything about coping with everyday life, and we always have a good time and support each other as much as we possibly can."

Watch on YouTube
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Quick Link: Good Practice Resources ..

Building Bridges Training has developed a range of good practice information and other resources.

Visit our Resources page for details.

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